FC Dallas Midfielder Nolan Norris and His Journey as a Homegrown Since Age 12

Episode 195 September 15, 2024 00:13:34
FC Dallas Midfielder Nolan Norris and His Journey as a Homegrown Since Age 12
Hustle and Pro - Frisco's Sports Podcast
FC Dallas Midfielder Nolan Norris and His Journey as a Homegrown Since Age 12

Sep 15 2024 | 00:13:34


Hosted By

Kelly Walker

Show Notes

In Hustle and Pro episode 195, FC Dallas homegrown Nolan Norris talks about his time in the FCD Academy, with North Texas Soccer Club, on the FCD first team in Frisco, and the US Men’s U19 and U20 National teams. 

Nolan Norris Bio: https://www.fcdallas.com/players/nolan-norris/ | IG: https://www.instagram.com/nolancnorris/

FC Dallas Website: https://www.fcdallas.com

USMNT IG: https://www.instagram.com/usmnt/

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A KELLY WALKER: Welcome to this episode of hustle and pro. I'm your host, Kelly Walker. We're at FC Dallas today at Toyota Stadium talking to Nolan Norris. So we're going to hear a few minutes from him on his career this year, looking back at a couple memorable moments and what he's looking forward to in the future. So it was over a year ago now that you had pen, you were marking Messi and picture of you with Jordi Alba and Suarez. So you commented. A night to remember. [00:00:25] Speaker B - Nolan Norris: Yeah. [00:00:26] Speaker A: So years passed. Like, what do you remember from that crazy experience? [00:00:30] Speaker B: No, it was really special. Obviously, you grow up watching those players. Messi, in my opinion, is the best to ever do it. And I just remember the game getting scheduled in the preseason. I didn't get to take part in the league's cup game. That happened past. So I got really excited when that was a chance for us to play them. My friend Binja was coming into town as well, and he had obviously spoken about how neat of an opportunity it was to be with Messi. So, yeah, I remember it was planned for me to play the second half. I didn't know if Messi and them were going to play the second half, but Jesus went down, like, the 40th minute and they called me. So I went in, and obviously the first couple minutes, it's a bit surreal. You know, I go on the field and Messi picks up the ball and it's like, yeah, this is a childhood dream come true. [00:01:17] Speaker A: Is there like a moment when it's like, obviously you're out there playing against him, but at the same time, like, you notice, right? You notice when these guys touch the ball, it's like you have to kind of stop and remember what your job is out there. Right? [00:01:30] Speaker B: Yeah, no, we went into the halftime and I was, okay, you know, I have 45 minutes. It's. It's neat. There are a lot of people playing against those guys, but at the end of the day, I have to do my job. [00:01:39] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:01:40] Speaker B: I have to do it well. And so I was just focused on the game. But obviously, there's a time, you know, when the scouts play the ball to Messi, and I picked it off and, you know, I just look around, it's like, yeah, this is. This is a special moment. My family was. I have a bunch of little siblings, and obviously, for them to see their brother on the field with players like that. [00:01:58] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:01:59] Speaker B: Like I said, a night to remember and just really, really thankful. Good opportunity. [00:02:03] Speaker A: Amazing. Okay, real quick, though, you said Jesus went down and you come in, so how does that shuffle around with you guys aren't compatible positions like you're not going in for him. Is it just field around? [00:02:14] Speaker B: I think we pushed Seiki up a little bit higher than. I just went a little bit deeper into the midfield, but yeah, I just got in the game and took my opportunity. So it was a fun night. [00:02:23] Speaker A: Crazy how that can all happen. Probably so quick. And there you are. Well, yeah, it was a fun night. Of all the times I've been watching FC Dallas games here in this stadium, like, that was just different. The week leading up to it, everything, the day, the whole experience was memorable. I loved it. I can't believe it's already been a year since that's happened. Okay, so fast forward to now. So this. Correct me if this is wrong, but this year, 2024 you have played for. Did you do some NTSC this year? [00:02:55] Speaker B: I've done a few games, yeah, some. [00:02:56] Speaker A: NTSC, North Texas soccer club games, obviously. FC Dallas games unite teens. Is that still this calendar year the end? [00:03:06] Speaker B: Like, I feel like the national team or. Yeah, this year has been the twenties all the time. Was the 19 actually? Yeah, it's been a bit of the both 1920s. [00:03:15] Speaker A: I feel like it was overlap. Right. So you were captain for u then? U twenty's was the most recently. So that's a lot of memorable moments also. Right. It's weird to think all that's happened already in 24. [00:03:27] Speaker B: Yeah, it's. I've been blessed with a lot of opportunities. I'm just really thankful from the club putting me in good spots. I'm thankful to the Lord of living out my dream every day. But, yeah, it's. For me, it's about taking it one day at a time. I'm shuffled around a lot. Like you said, it's. They were the first team, second team games. I've been with Ash team a lot over the last couple months, so it's really been exciting times. It's been fun for me. I just like to play football and doing it professionally, but also playing for my country is dream come true. [00:03:59] Speaker A: Yeah, I saw some overlap with like when. When you're captaining U 19s. Tanner Testman's captaining. Did you have overlap with him the academy ever here or here? [00:04:09] Speaker B: I mean, we were in the academy at the same time, but he's a few years older than me, so I mean, I looked up to him a lot. I looked up to his team. They were the time. And yeah, just following in those guys footsteps is something that me and a lot of the other academy kids wanted. To do. So it's been pretty cool. [00:04:28] Speaker A: All right, so your path, you are, you're from Fort Worth? [00:04:31] Speaker B: Yes, ma'am. [00:04:32] Speaker A: But where were you born? [00:04:33] Speaker B: Fort Worth is. [00:04:33] Speaker A: You were? [00:04:34] Speaker B: Yes. [00:04:34] Speaker A: Okay. I hear an accent. Does everybody say that? [00:04:36] Speaker B: Some people tell me that. I don't know. [00:04:38] Speaker A: You really don't think you have an accent? [00:04:40] Speaker B: I don't know. Some people say that, some people don't. [00:04:43] Speaker A: Okay. I would swear that you have like a Canadian or something in your voice. So, yeah, I read Fort Worth and I'm like, yeah, but where are you actually from? So, all right. [00:04:53] Speaker B: My parents are from Texas, grandparents from around here as well, so. [00:04:58] Speaker A: Okay. Okay, so then you make your pro debut in 22, then NTSC and MLs. So your MLS debut June of 2023. And at that time you were the youngest FC Dallas player that season? Well, 18 plus. So I feel like you joined the academy at twelve. I think you signed it at 17, right? Or. Yeah, homegrown signing at 17. So I feel like you're very young and it was a quick path to where you are today. But, like, from your perspective, do you feel that way? [00:05:35] Speaker B: I think in soccer everything can change pretty quickly. I think sometimes it can feel a little bit long. For me, it was just, in Fort Worth, soccer wasn't as big. Estee Dallas was obviously the da pro pathway, and when I joined the academy, my goal was just enjoy my football and honestly, my goal was just make the academy team the next year and just keep getting better. Obviously, my dream was, you see the guys sit in the seat when they're signing home growns and that was my dream, but I always knew it would be a long path, so never thought too far ahead. But, yeah, I was just taking it year by year, slowly moving up the ranks and each academy team with the youth national teams and then 2022 is, I think when it really took off, I got invited to North Texas preseason and I just went there with a mindset of like, okay, you know, this is a year that I really need to push for a contract and I need to do well because I don't want to go back to the academy. I want to stay and keep pushing. So I did well. Coach Pa was the coach at the time, gave me a lot of opportunities. I took advantage of them. National team gave me opportunities as well. And that year was a year, I think everything moved the quickest because I went from playing the academy in January to signing a homegrown in November. So it was. That was the year that everything kind of exploded, right? [00:06:51] Speaker A: That's what I guess that's the part I feel like that part's been quick, right? The fast, like, since you signed. But I guess five years in the academy, that's where the foundation waiting. Yeah. So you've been working with Peter for basically since you got here, right? Since you were twelve years old. Do you feel like the FC Dallas system, the way the homegrown system works and now where you are today, like, is this built for exactly. People like you, players like you who can thrive under the same coaching system for a while? [00:07:24] Speaker B: Yeah, I think because it's a really close club, everybody's kind of pushed up. I was telling my parents the other day, you know, it's from the coaching staff to the physios I've worked with to the strength staff. I've worked with pretty much everybody in my time in the academy. It's a really neat thing. Peter was the coach that brought me into the club and so obviously the coach that brought me into the club now being my first team coach is of a special relationship. I'm very appreciative. He's one of the big reasons why I'm the player I am today. But, yeah, this club is very good because me, Tariq, we grew up, we signed together, Antonio as well. Yeah. Everybody's pushed up and regardless of what type of job you have, and I think that's a good thing, you know, everybody, everybody has potential to be better on and off the field and. Yeah, I think we're seeing that. [00:08:15] Speaker A: Yeah, that's the point. Right? I mean, you said you see all this homegrown signing as you've been working through the academy. You were the 35th. That's pretty. That's awesome. Right? And it's crazy to think, like, how many will come after you that are looking up to you right now. Right? Like, do you think about, I know you have a lot of siblings, or some of them younger, and so do you feel that the younger generation watching you already? [00:08:37] Speaker B: A little bit. I mean, obviously my, my little siblings, I'm the oldest of six and they all play, so my job is just be a good example for them. But, you know, sometimes I can see it, you know, like, I remember me in the academy when there was a young home grown just trying to make his way in the first team. Anytime he was in the hallways, you know, you look up to them and, yeah, I mean, I try to do my job and so the other academy kids just trying to make it, can see us and aspire to be there. So I think it's a, it's a good pathway. [00:09:05] Speaker A: Yeah. So when they're watching you, when they talk about your style on the field. So what is your, like, defensive strength? [00:09:14] Speaker B: For me, I would say anticipation and probably tackling. I think I like, I read the game pretty well. IQ is probably my biggest thing and then just tackling. I'm aggressive on the field. I like to go into duels. So that's what I would say defensively, my go to. [00:09:33] Speaker A: So for FC Dallas for this year, this season, you've had 194 minutes and with two starts, two off the bench. Do you know your passing percentage, your accurate passing accuracy? 88. A little over 88% and four fouls, which I feel like you've gotten more aggressive right? As you've gotten more comfortable getting more minutes with first team, that number, I feel like has gone up as you're, as you're encountering more, like anticipating more and making more tackles. Like, do you feel that as you've progressed? [00:10:06] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. I think a little bit of that is more just me being comfortable in the midfield. It goes back. Like in the academy, I only play left back, really. And then when I signed, I was starting to play centre back. So me playing midfield, I really only started halfway through last season. So for me it was coming in the preseason. I mean, honestly, like, I want to play football. I want to play games, wherever that is. So whenever I'm on the field, I have to make my mark and I have to show that I belong. I feel like I've matured physically, mentally, to a sense where when I'm on the field I can compete. And that's why. Yeah, I mean, sometimes I'm a bit over aggressive, but I think tackling and just being involved in the game is something I've done better at. [00:10:51] Speaker A: I don't mean it as an overly aggressive thing. I just think it's interesting looking at your stats and obviously, like, the way your position, like, I feel like your position is fluid, too. You're listed as defense and midfield. Like, you're. You're kind of both, right, depending on which team you're at or on at the time. And, I don't know, just the makeup of what's happening out there, I guess. So you've, like you said, you floated up to midfield and is that like, where you're, where are you most comfortable when you're with the first team at FC Dallas right now? [00:11:20] Speaker B: I wouldn't even say it's where I'm most comfortable. I would just say, honestly, where I'm training leading up to the game, it has me comfortable. I just like to play football, and so if I'm training midfield on the week and I'm going to play midfield on the weekend, that's fine. I'll do the best to my ability. Same as if I'm in the back line. Yeah. It's just using my strengths to each position and taking advantage of an opportunity when I get it. [00:11:45] Speaker A: That's good. I think that flexibility does come back to, like, what we were talking about with knowing Peter, knowing you for so long, too. Like, I don't think a new player coming in, like, gets that much flexibility with the coach. Right. Just because they don't know each other as well and know their strengths and weaknesses as well and trust each other as much. I like that. All right, last thing. So I think you posted this, and I just want your thoughts. It's a Hebrews quote, faith is confidence and what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. So is that something that drives you when you are still trying to push your career along, that you don't even see the future yet? And like, how do you, how do you see that quote? [00:12:28] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:12:28] Speaker A: Or not quote, that verse? [00:12:30] Speaker B: Yeah, I think it goes back to an another quote I've seen. It's just everything is in God's hands and it's always been that way. It's for me as a footballer, you know, there are definitely highs and lows. Like, for me, you know, it's. We talked about my year. I've had a really blessed year and a lot of good opportunities. Obviously, I want more. I want to play games, but it's just about just trusting God's plan, taking it day by day, knowing I'm living for a bigger purpose. And he's put me in a spot that I'm really grateful to be in. Faith is just knowing that he's got the plans and for me to work hard and do my job. So faith is definitely something that my parents are still in me and I've carried it with me. [00:13:11] Speaker A: That's great. I love it. Well, thank you for your time on this rainy training day. So I know that you've already been out there in the rain, so thanks for a couple more minutes with you and good luck for the rest of your season. [00:13:22] Speaker B: Thank you. Thank you very much. [00:13:23] Speaker A: That's it for today's episode. Be sure to subscribe so you get notifications on the next episode. We'll see you next time. Thanks.

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