Episode #130: James Vilade has an impressive baseball resume and even more impressive nonprofit that shares the love of the sport with people of all abilities. Keeper of the Game provides kids and young adults with special needs and disabilities with unique baseball experiences that foster growth of the individuals and their love of baseball.
In this episode we talk to James about his playing experience at Baylor and his coaching experience at OSU, the Texas Rangers and now at Prestonwood Christian Academy. We also explore the programs and passion behind Keeper of the Game.
We hope this episode and this nonprofit inspires you as much as it has inspired us to spread love and kindness within the sport of baseball, for our next generations, for those with special needs, and for our community as a whole.
Website: https://www.keeperofthegame.org
Instagram: https://instagram.com/keeperofthegame
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/keeperofthegame
Twitter: https://twitter.com/baseballkeepers
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