How Police and Sports Mix in Frisco: Asst. Chief Billy Clay

Episode 152 May 21, 2022 00:26:17
How Police and Sports Mix in Frisco: Asst. Chief Billy Clay
Hustle and Pro - Frisco's Sports Podcast
How Police and Sports Mix in Frisco: Asst. Chief Billy Clay

May 21 2022 | 00:26:17


Hosted By

Kelly Walker

Show Notes

Episode 152: Frisco Police Assistant Chief Billy Clay sits down with us at the station to talk about how sports shaped his life ‘then and now’.

Frisco Police Assistant Chief Billy Clay sits down with us at the station to talk about how sports shaped his life 'then and now'. We discuss the ways sports teaches you teamwork, work ethics, winning and losing, time management and how we now pass those qualities down as parents of athletes.

Frisco Police and sports overlap quite a bit in a city with MLS, NFL, NHL, NBA, PGA, MiLB, FISD and more. Citizens and visitors to Frisco rely on the police for safety and a strong working knowledge of all the working parts to keep events and the city in harmony year-round.

Enjoy this episode with Billy Clay.


• Frisco Police Department

• PGA:

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Episode Transcript

Automated transcript. Please excuse typos. Speaker 1 00:00:04 Welcome to hustle and pro I'm your host Kelly Walker. I'm actually excited because I think this is a fun episode today, which is a little weird to say because we're at the Frisco police station, but it's fun because of what we're gonna be talking about and who we're gonna be talking to. So I wanna welcome my guest, Billy Clay. Speaker 2 00:00:20 Hi, thank you for having me. Speaker 1 00:00:21 Yeah. Thanks for coming. I'm excited to hear a little more of your story. So you are the assistant chief of the Frisco police department. So I guess first like, um, I do kind of wanna address why we're at the police station and what your role is here and um, you know, here with the police department. So kind of tell us that to start us Speaker 2 00:00:39 Off. Yeah. So like you said, I, I work for the Frisco police department. I'm one of the assistant chiefs here, underneath, my role, I have the operations bureau, and the administrative bureau, under the operations bureau we have, all of our day to day patrol operations. We have, SWAT canine deployment. Um, that's Speaker 1 00:01:01 A lot, all of day to day and all this, Speaker 2 00:01:03 All of that stuff that goes into this. So, that's why we're here today. That's why I'm in uniform and, and I'm looking forward to this conversation. Speaker 1 00:01:11 So as I've met you before, this is not our first meeting. Uh, we kind of uncovered some of our mutual love for sports and that's some of the things we're gonna get into and how that sort of mixes with, with your role here. But, um, before we do that, I just want our audience to know your background, cuz we uncovered, you know, your sports background. So tell me like what was like growing up, what was sports look? What did it look like for you? Speaker 2 00:01:34 So we, we were always, involved in sports from a very young age. Um, I played just about everything on dirt that you could, from soccer, starting out to baseball, football. Yeah. Um, and it was always ingrained in me a love for the games. Um, not only just because of the, the competition, and the, the atmosphere around it. But, from my parents' standpoint, just like my, my standpoint now with my children is that, you get a lot of life lessons out of that. Right. And so that's, you know, that, that feeling of, of teamwork and accomplishment, um, the discipline, the integrity that comes with, each one of the games that we play, is what was instilled in me at a young age. And it's something that carries over in my, my day to day life now. And, and with being a police officer, Speaker 1 00:02:26 Like the probably right, I'm assuming the respect, for the officials and the coaching staff, as you're a kid, all these older people, you know, I think that is, it's not lost by any means now, but it is a big topic. Right. And a talking point now is, you know, we see a lot of different sports struggling to find officials. Mm-hmm, <affirmative> keeping people that wanna come out because it's actually, they're not always getting treated by, by the kids. It's a lot of the adults. Right. But, but right. The respect, it is a huge life lesson in sports that, you know, you don't automatically think of that when you think of childhood sports. Speaker 2 00:03:01 Right. And we, we all have to remember, you know, the reasons why we're there, you know, winning is an important factor of life. Sure. Um, but it's all of the, the extras that come along with that too, in what gets you into that, that championship mentality, that winning mentality. It's not only winning at sports, but like I said, it's winning at life. Yeah. And all of those extra, values that you are created through on the field yeah. Is, is what's gonna carry you forward in life. And, and we are seeing, you know, my son, he officiates baseball now. Oh Speaker 1 00:03:33 Really? Okay. That's what I'm thinking of. What I'm talking about. Officiating is the baseball empire. Speaker 2 00:03:37 Right. And, he gets put into a situation where, you know, he's a, a 17 year old kid that is making decisions and having conversations with adults. And, and I think that the younger generations, seeing someone that's not too far off from their age as they're playing at 13, 14 years old and seeing that mutual respect and seeing, um, how to understand authority despite age differences is a huge key in, in success in Speaker 1 00:04:02 Life. Yeah. I agree. So you talk about playing all these sports when you were little whereabouts, what part are you in Texas? Speaker 2 00:04:07 So originally, yes, ma'am, I'm from east Texas. Okay. I grew up in Longview. Um, I played, high school football and baseball. Um, I threw the discs in the track. Okay. Team. So, Speaker 1 00:04:19 So then as you're growing up, what teams were you following? Like who are you watching? Who are you rooting for? Speaker 2 00:04:25 It was always from a young age, Dallas Cowboys and Texas Rangers, you know, and back in the days of, you know, Nolan Ryan, I, I was never a pitcher, but just watching Nolan, Ryan, I remember guys like Ken Griffy Jr. Yes. Um, you know, Yvonne rod, Speaker 1 00:04:40 I was obsessed with Ken Griffy Jr. Yeah, because of the lot, like just the streaks and all the, and just everybody loved him. Right. And the no Nolan, of course I'm Nolan Ryan era too Speaker 2 00:04:49 All time. Good guy. And, you know, football wise watching, I was, you know, looking at me now, you wouldn't think it, but I was always an undersized guy for, for playing football. And that's kind of what carried me through, was working on the little things mm-hmm <affirmative> um, and attention to detail and mentioned a detail. And, um, watching guys like, uh, mark step Naski mm-hmm <affirmative>, who was one of the smallest offensive linemen in the league and had a successful career, but seeing how the attention to detail in the footwork, um, is what drove me. And, and I was very fortunate as we talked before, you know, to play in, in college. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:05:26 Um, yeah. I wanna definitely wanna hear more about Speaker 2 00:05:28 That and Speaker 1 00:05:30 Go ahead. No, no, just before we do though, um, who else? I know you were, you said mark TKI, but who else are you watching and Speaker 2 00:05:37 Learning from? I mean, just the way that they handled themselves on and off the field guys, like Emmett Smith. Yes. Troy Aman. I mean, I know it's a lot of Dallas Cowboys Speaker 1 00:05:46 But've seen the same age cause like these are all my guys too. Speaker 2 00:05:48 Yeah. Yeah. And, and seeing how those guys interacted, not only with, you know, the community, but their teammates, um, how they won and lost with grace and, and that's a, a big part of sportsmanship and, and a whole Speaker 1 00:06:01 Absolutely. And sometimes losing is, if you don't get to lose mm-hmm <affirmative>, you don't get to learn how to lose with grace. Um, you know, you talk about like we, in the triplets era, they didn't, they didn't have to do that a lot. But, but when I think about like our kids, you know, I have had kids that are on really good teams. Of course, it's great to be on bad teams too, but when they're on the really good teams, sometimes I'm like, we need, you know, we need to lose a few this season so that these kids don't think that they're better than they are, or don't realize the it's hard to be the kids on the other side when you're really beating these teams. And it's, it's great to be fun or happy and celebrate, but like, you have to remember there's somebody on the other side that right. That isn't feeling good about it. And they just got swamped. And so you need to win with grace and lose with grace, but sometimes especially in Frisco, like it can be hard for your kids to have to, to get to learn that lesson, if they're on good teams that win a lot. Right. Speaker 2 00:06:58 Right. And, and failure, as we all know, as you grow up is a part of life. Um, and it, it's not, um, necessarily, um, the failure, that is the key part of that, but it's how you respond to it and, and learning, uh, to be humble, um, in both your winnings and in your losses is, is a key part of you just being a human being and understanding how to interact and show that grace. And, um, so it's extremely important to, to learn how to lose and to learn from it. Um, right. And that's when I say winning isn't everything, it's, it's that mentality that comes with it, winning is always good. And that's what we're striving for, but there's, there's a lot of times in life where you're not gonna have control over wins and losses for so, and Speaker 1 00:07:43 Not everybody can win. I mean, when you talk about, if you, if, if everything's winning, you know, you can advance and get to levels, but only like only a fraction of the people in the league or whatever you're doing is gonna actually win. Right. So you can't, you're just not always gonna be like the ultimate winner. And if you keep setting that as your only goal, you're gonna, you're setting yourself up for, for discipline. Right. Okay. So you talked about playing in college, so, um, where were you and what you alluded to lineman? Speaker 2 00:08:10 Yes, I, I was, uh, an offensive, a lineman. Okay. Um, I started at Tyler junior college Uhhuh <affirmative>. Um, I went to, uh, TJC for two years out of high school. Um, originally when I was coming outta high school, um, there was some coaching changes at a school that I was committed to. Um, and then, so that kind of fell apart, which was again, a, a lesson in life that not everything is guaranteed. Yeah. Um, so I had to learn to restructure. I ended up going to Tyler junior college and playing two seasons there. Um, before I went on to play at university of Southern Mississippi, um, for two more seasons in 99 and 2000. Okay. So Speaker 1 00:08:48 Yeah, I, it, like, it makes me like my gut hurt when you hear, like, when, you know, kids are committed or expecting to go somewhere mm-hmm <affirmative> and it all hinges on a coaching staff. Right. Because that's just how recruiting works. Right. Right. Like, because this guy likes you and says you're coming, or once you, it doesn't mean the next guy coming in is gonna be able to maintain that promise or commitment. Right. Right. Is it, is there ever, is it ever like guaranteed Speaker 2 00:09:10 It's, it's never guaranteed until you sign. Um okay. You know, on the dotted line. Okay. And, and when you sign your, your national letter of intent, you actually sign your scholarship. And, um, a lot of people don't realize too, that that's a yearly event as well. So, um, you're not always guaranteed that you're gonna be somewhere for four years can come back and come back. So you're, you're competing every year. Um, and again, that, that keeps your drive and motivation going and whatever motivates people to want to go to the next level. Um, whether it's, they want to go to the next level for an education or they want to go to the next level is a stepping stone to the, the pros. Um, I think having that realistic mindset that they're, like you said, there's a very small percentage of people that get to that point. Speaker 2 00:09:54 Right. Um, even coming from high school to college, whether it's, you know, the smallest D three or the biggest D one, um, there's still only so many slots. Right. And then when you go, we just, we just have the NFL draft. Right. Mm-hmm <affirmative> and there's, um, a small fraction of college players that were hoping to get drafted. And then that actually did so, um, there's no guarantees. And I think that that's part of having that mindset and that growth mindset of, of wanting to continuously get better in whatever is thrown at you, whether it's sports or it's life or it's work, it's police work, it's reporting. So whatever that is, um, all of that is ingrained, I think really, truly goes back to from sports Speaker 1 00:10:33 From yeah. From when you're growing up. And that's, that's my growing, like my experiences growing up was how it all goes back to sports from as far back as I can remember, mm-hmm <affirmative>, I was playing something, being on a team, having teammates, having to figure out, you know, the relationships between teammates and coaches and balancing your life and your schedule, and what's more important and this and that, all that stuff goes back to for people like us to childhood sports. Right. Yeah. And you just said a good segue to police work. So we're gonna come back and talk about that. But first we are gonna take a quick break, hear from one sponsor. We'll be right back. We're gonna learn more from Billy Clay about, um, how has police work weaves into the sports world here in Frisco, Texas? So we'll be right back. Speaker 3 00:11:18 I wanna tell you guys about beyond studios, I'm going there for Pilates right now, and I love it. And I want you guys to try it out. You can actually try your first class for free when you use my code hustle and pro that's hustle, Amper sign ampersand pro, and you'll get your first class for free. So you can check it out at either their beyond studios location in west Frisco on fourth army or the beyond 500, which is at Lebanon and legacy. And that's more of a cardio workout. So head to the beyond to find out more Speaker 1 00:11:54 Welcome back. We are here with assistant chief clay talking about his background in sports. And now we're gonna talk about how your love of sports also gets to kind of play into some of your responsibilities. Now you talk to us about all the day to day things and all the departments and right groups of people that you, um, are over here. So I'm, I'm guessing that working with sports teams and venues here in Frisco is a small piece of that, but, but it is a big deal. And I've only recently learned about all the under, you know, how much of an undertaking that is for you guys. Right. So tell me just a little like, and, and for our audience that just doesn't think about it. Like, what is the Frisco police department doing when you talk about the sports landscape of Frisco? Speaker 2 00:12:34 Yeah. You know, Frisco has, has grown up, it's been named the, the, you know, sports city USA. Um, we have a lot of sports partners here from the Dallas Cowboys. Um, you know, the Dallas stars. We have the Mavericks, uh, developmental team, um, the rough writers. We have the rough writers. We have the PGA coming. Yeah. We have MLS, uh, soccer. So we pretty much have all sports covered. And, um, people don't usually realize, um, that the relationships and the, the working back and forth, it goes with planning events. Mm-hmm, <affirmative>, um, planning, security at different events out there. Um, you know, one example I'll use is we know that we're hosting the, the, uh, senior PGA tournament here next year. It's gonna be the first tournament that's, uh, played at our new PGA headquarters, Speaker 1 00:13:21 23 Speaker 2 00:13:22 In 23 already Speaker 1 00:13:23 Here. I remember this year, I remember back when they announced that I was like, that's while away, but now it's, it's Speaker 2 00:13:28 Here and here we are a year out, and we're already working on that. And, you know, we're having discussions, um, with them, you know, uh, about the different security needs that are gonna be there. Um, we, we take our team and we, uh, we're gonna go watch the, some of the background layout of the PGA tournament. That's going on up in Tulsa. Mm-hmm, <affirmative> in a couple weeks and Speaker 1 00:13:48 Little field trip, homework, Speaker 2 00:13:50 Little field trip, homework <laugh>. And, um, you know, we have to make sure that anyone that, that comes to these events here, um, you know, safety and security, I is our number one priority. And we want people to feel safe. I, if they live here, but we also want people to feel safe when they come visit here. Yeah. And these are huge attractions. I mean, people fly from all over the world just to come take a picture in front of the Cowboys headquarters. Speaker 1 00:14:13 Right. Well, that's the thing, it's one thing that y'all are tasked with the citizens that live here. Right. Right. That's your every day. Well, but there's so much sports here. That's kind of every day that's, but then like with how much, you know, I I'm a contributing writer for visit Frisco and that cover their sports mm-hmm <affirmative> and how much outside traffic comes to this city, right. For sports is unbelievable. Right. Cause you mentioned the big stuff. Right. But then you talk about gymnastics at the star, correct. Youth hockey at America. Um, we have a ton of college basketball at the star and I mean, those are there's lacrosse, there's now arena football. But, but the things that come in town bowl games, I mean, those are, those Speaker 2 00:14:56 Are huge Speaker 1 00:14:57 Thousands and thousands of people coming in all for a, maybe a two hour, maybe a two day event, but that y'all are then tasked with covering that landscape of people Speaker 2 00:15:06 Too. Right. And it's, it's, it's challenging, but we've, our team has really gotten good at, at again, it's with the relationships that we build with the, the management of these venues, um, the partnerships that we make and, and understanding what the needs of both sides are, um, what they need as far as being able to get people in and out and what we need as far as being able to do that safely. Right. Uh, in, in the most efficient manner, you know, um, we have time goals of, of how quick we want to egress to go from an event that holds 40,000 people. Speaker 1 00:15:36 So that is something that you guys are involved in. Yes. I mean, because then you're talking, it's spilling over into public roads. Right? Correct. And traffic flow mm-hmm <affirmative> and so they don't just get to live in their own little venue bubble. Like you guys have to be inserted into that Speaker 2 00:15:50 Process. Correct. And, and those, those talks start months, like in the PGA years out. Um, and so I don't think people understand that that's, um, that's a part of, and I, and I didn't really think about it when I get in, got into law enforcement nearly 20 years ago. Yeah. That, um, this would be an opportunity for me to, to take a, a passion and a love of mine, of sports. Right. And be able to integrate that with my profession. Speaker 1 00:16:15 And well, it wouldn't be everywhere else. Right. It's it's, I mean, there are obviously other markets that have lots of sports, but I mean, it's, it's pretty unique. Yeah. Here that you landed here where all that comes up. So I wonder when you talk about the PGA, that's when you compare that a new venue mm-hmm <affirmative> to somewhere now, like the star, I mean, we've had the star, what, I don't know, seven years now, something like that go seven years where you, you can predict traffic flow better. Um, you can, you, you just, you know, the weak points as far as security, but also crowd safety and all that stuff. Right. But then a brand new venue that, I mean, rows are finished and all that, but like, you have no idea. Right. What's gonna clog up where and what the pain points are gonna be. Right. But does it get easier as the venue's been there? Speaker 2 00:17:01 Absolutely. Okay. Each year gets a little bit easier and you don't try to recreate the wheel. You just try to tweak some of the spokes within it. Right. So, um, this, this first year going into it, yes, we will. We will probably plan and over plan. Uh, we will probably overstaff and, and have more than what we needed. We would, we would rather have more than we need, um, there, and, and not use all the resources and, and still being responsible too, physically responsible, not only to the city, but also to, to our clients as well. Sure. Um, but making sure that, that we have things in place that if anything were to go wrong, we can, we can handle it and respond to it. Yeah. Uh, but it Speaker 1 00:17:40 Does, you don't, it's too late, Speaker 2 00:17:41 Right? Correct. Yeah. Yeah. Reactionary gap in that is way too late. So we do, um, you know, again, over plan and then year two, year three, you know, if we do a concert, um, out at Toyota stadium, it's pretty much, we, we pull a, a game plan and we know the, the routes of ingress egres and we know how we're gonna fill in the parking lots. And, um, it just, it gets a lot easier as time goes on. But Speaker 1 00:18:06 Yes, as a attendee of those things, we have now learned what being an FC house season ticket holder of like 10 years. Now, we know how to get out of those parking lots. Right. We know how long to stay right after the main crowd leaves to then wait and plan and where to go and all of that, you know, cause the newbies sit in the longer traffic line. So we we've, we've now outsmarted, uh, smarted those guys. Right. I don't know if you're able to say, but you talked about resources and staffing. I mean, Frisco police department is limited on the number of officers they have. Do you ever pull in, especially coming from a, like PGA up north, do you pull in other cities to help? So Speaker 2 00:18:42 We do, we have, um, with all of the events, not just at our major venues, but we have, um, a very large request for off duty security. Um, and that's managed through, uh, our community services division. So we have, um, an officer that pretty much that's his day in and day out is scheduling of officers to work off duty. Oh wow. And so with the number of, of requests that come in on top of our venues, now the venues take priority. Um, so if we have a major event coming on, um, at one of our event venues, then we will staff that before we say, we can provide officers for this private party over here or whatnot. We try to make everything that we can, but we do have partnerships in place with, uh, prosper with, uh, Colin college, the constable's office, university of Texas Dallas. Speaker 2 00:19:31 Um, so there's a lot of, uh, outside agencies that, that help us in events like this. And, um, you know, with something like the PGA coming, when we, when we're gonna need, you know, an upwards of 70 officers for a week to work it and, you know, we're, that's all third of your, it, it we're, you know, we're authorized 238 officers. So, um, that takes away, we still have to maintain coverage of calls and we still have to maintain, you know, the response to our citizens and things that are needed day to day. Right. Um, but we'll have to get creative on where we pull officers from. Right. Speaker 1 00:20:04 So that's good though that you you've got, you've got neighbors. Yeah. You can pull in when you need 'em. Um, alright. So I wanna close with the idea of like, what are some of your favorites here? I mean, I have my favorite, you know, reoccurring annual events and different fun things, but from your perspective, I don't know if you're actually in these venues working them ever anymore, or just managing the people that do, but like from your own, you know, football and baseball background and all that, what do you, what are your favorite events that we have here? Speaker 2 00:20:33 Uh, probably, and, and my favorite event there, there's a couple different, the venues you would have to kind of probably be the star, just because of the history with Dallas Cowboys. Yeah. Uh, favorite event though, would have to be, um, the national championship game that we host. Speaker 1 00:20:50 I was gonna say the bowl, one of the bowl games, Speaker 2 00:20:52 The bowl game, Speaker 1 00:20:53 The vibe is pretty cool for Speaker 2 00:20:54 That stuff. It's, it's awesome. And it's, um, you know, you see, um, coming from that background, I never got the opportunity to play for a, for a national championship, you know, but, Speaker 1 00:21:02 Um, again, not many people do, right. Speaker 2 00:21:04 Not many people do, but seeing, um, you know, these athletes come in, not only seeing how the athletes have changed since, since I was in college many years ago. Yeah. Um, but seeing that, and you kind of get that goosebump feeling of man, I remember what it was like to walk into a stadium and, and see that, and you hear the crowd and know end, and those guys are getting the escort up to the game and getting off the bus. And to me, that's probably my favorite event to be involved in. Um, and then knowing that the stakes are so high for both of those teams, and again, there's only gonna be one winner, right. And one loser. Speaker 1 00:21:38 So, and they bring in, it's not an, you see this cuz of the coordination, it's not just the 60 man RO or whatever, you know, the guys on the team and the coaching staff, right. There are like, it feels like towns of people that come here. Right. Cause they fill up hotels and you've got entire like marching bands, right. Drill team or whatever they call 'em in college. Right. Um, parents of players, fans let alone the fans, but there's like a swarm. Yeah. The bison call it the herd right. Of people that literally do like make their way into Frisco. Speaker 2 00:22:09 Right. I think that, that's what I was thinking of is the entire city of Fargo, North Dakota, whenever the, the bison are in this game, they all travel here. <laugh> and it's like, it's we turn into, to miniature Fargo, North Dakota for a week. Speaker 1 00:22:23 Um, I love it. Like I love, you know, happening to be at a place where they are that weekend. Yeah. And talking to them and you know, how do you like it and what are y'all doing? And just like hearing their, what they're up to. And they're so excited and it's really fun. Speaker 2 00:22:35 It's fun. And it's fun to interact with those people. And it's fun to see the appreciation on their face, to know that we are open and welcoming them and do they love us? We, yeah. We appreciate their, uh, they appreciate our hospitality just as much as we appreciate theirs. Mm-hmm <affirmative> and, um, it's fun to, to see an event like that go successful and for us to be able to manage it and, and everyone get out, come in, get out in a good mood. Speaker 1 00:23:00 So yeah. Yeah. That's good. My, um, close second to that feeling is also college tournament. The Frisco classic in the ballpark. Yeah. Yeah. It's pretty cool. That is, and they have so many Texas teams. Right. Um, you know, Ryan, the founder of that has been on hustle and pro, but um, so kind of know how they, they do pull Texas teams, but it's just a really fun again, those guys, I was lucky enough to work that this year and get to interview a lot of the players mm-hmm <affirmative> and they, they, a lot of 'em play at really cool venues, but to come to this state ballpark and they walk in and they're like, this is cool. It's empty. Right. Right. When they come in for their first practice and they have their phones out and they just like, they, they may usually play on turf. And so to feel the grass at all the little things right. That, you know, like these young adults, like are getting to like soak it all in. Right. It's really cool. Let alone just the fun baseball weekend, but it's a Speaker 2 00:23:50 Cool event. Yeah. It's fun for them. And then man, what an opportunity that, that it provides for people to see teams mm-hmm, <affirmative> like high ranking college level teams that you normally wouldn't get to watch play live. You know, you might see them on the ESPN or, or ballet sports or whatever it is now, but right. Um, but to see those teams play live here at a, at, at a I'll call it an intimate venue. Mm-hmm <affirmative> cause it's not the biggest ball part, but you can, you can get up close, close Speaker 1 00:24:18 Back. Speaker 2 00:24:19 You can hear the pitch, hit the glove and you can hear the crack of the bat. So it, I remember watching you Darvish pitch when he was on a rehab out here. Yes. And, and being close enough to hear that ball hit the MIT was, it was amazing. So that's just some of what the city has to offer and it's, it's, it's awesome. Speaker 1 00:24:36 I'm a sucker for the ballpark. <laugh> we're recording this right before mother's day. It won't, it won't publish until after mother's day. But that's my mother's day <laugh> is we'll be at the ballpark and you know, I just like being out there. Right. So that's, that's my choice. If I, if I have something to, uh, pick, I'm like, oh, there's a afternoon game with the ballpark. Let's go sit there. And my mom will be with me too. Cause she, there you go. I'm a baseball girl cuz she's a baseball girl. So we grew up watching the Rangers and you know, getting to go to Rangers games for big. It was a big deal. Cause we were two hours away also. So, or you were farther than that. It Speaker 2 00:25:08 Was about two and a half hours. Speaker 1 00:25:08 About two. Yeah. So that was, yeah. Our going back again to the childhood, it really shapes like how I am as an adult. Right. And getting to watch and enjoy sports around here. So. Well, thanks. Yeah. I, I literally like pulled you away from your duties and I'm um, excited that you sat down and took the time to talk to us. Speaker 2 00:25:25 So thank you. Well, I, I appreciate it. Thanks for the opportunity. It was fun. Um, and I hope everyone enjoys watching this and they can see that there's, you know, you can always relate something back to sports, but even as a police officer, you know, here in the city of Frisco, we have something unique and it's, it's uh, it's a great place to live, work and play. And I agree. I, I appreciate the opportunity. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:25:48 Thank you. Thank you. And thank you guys for watching or listening. Um, if you're watching on YouTube, be sure that you have hit subscribe so that you'll get a notification for our next episode. And also if you don't follow us on Instagram, follow us at hustle and pro on Instagram. So you can see updates and a peek into some of these things that we're talking about as I post about them. So we'll see you next time.

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